Goulbourn Lanark Soccer League

Weather Policy


Teams are to go to their games and the decision will be made by the game official (referee) at the field. We play soccer in rain, not in thunder or lightning.


Teams should keep an eye on the weather reports for the game field and the route to/from the game.


This is a high level of alert. If at 3 pm there is a tornado warning for game time in the area of your game (or your route to/from the game), the game is cancelled.


Follow the advice in the alert.


If at 3:00 pm on a game day, the temperature and or humidex forecast for 6 pm is equal to or greater than 40, the GLSL games for that evening shall be cancelled.

Notice of Extreme Heat Cancellation

If the Humidex has not decreased below 40 and the cancellation policy is triggered, the GLSL shall post a Cancellation Notice on the website and issue an Extreme Heat Cancellation e-mail to team officials by 3:30 pm.

The Environment Canada weather website (Ottawa/Kanata-Orleans) will be used to determine the temperature for the purposes of this policy.

Note:  this policy may be modified for the GLSL Festival/Cup

For games that are played in hot weather:

(From Item #8 of the GLSL Procedural Agreement)

During very hot weather when games are not cancelled, Game Officials will confer with Coaches and Team Officials before the start of the game in regards to providing water-breaks, consider shortening the time played or postponing the game if both coaches agree to do so. During games, Game Officials are encouraged to incorporate a water-break during injury stoppages, penalty kicks, goal kicks, and other appropriate stoppages, etc., to address this concern of ensuring the health and safety of our athletes.

Thank you to all team officials, club representatives, and canteen workers that volunteered their time to end our season with another successful GLSL Festival/Cup!

We could not have held the Festival/Cup without the 50+ game officials that worked hard to keep the games fun and fair for all.
Thank you to all team officials, club representatives, and canteen workers that volunteered their time to end our season with another successful GLSL Festival/Cup!

We could not have held the Festival/Cup without the 50+ game officials that worked hard to keep the games fun and fair for all.